Oceanview Manor continued to provides venues and activities to continue socialization throughout the pandemic. This opportunity for socialization prevents isolation and encourages the new social norms of mask wearing and social distancing
Monthly Themed Birthday Parties
Hawaiian themed party, Ice Cream Birthday Party, Balloon Birthday Party
Bingo is a staple activity but also traditionally a large group activity. We needed to continue to have BINGO at the requests of the residents so …. All bingo cards were disposable and Bingo was called over the loud speaker while the residents remained in their rooms. It took coordination as the winners would call the front desk but it all added to the excitement!!!
Arts and Crafts
Various crafts, of the residents choice, were delivered to their rooms in plastic bags. This could include, coloring, painting, yarn crafts, etc. The Activities team was always available should the resident need assistance or additional supplies.
As residents were in their rooms, exercise is of the utmost importance in order to maintain their health and keep the blood flowing. Our Activities team took residents on social distance walks on their floors in order to assure that all muscles were stretched. Additionally, morning exercise was done on each floor individually so residents could participate inside their rooms with their doors open.