Searching for the best-assisted living program in New York? The Answer is Oceanview Manor Home for Adults.
At Oceanview Manor, there is excellent care for the residents being served, which is why exceptional programs are run on a regular basis. Quality care is at the very core of our values.
Whether you are seeking professional assisting living services for yourself or for someone you love, keep in mind that an assisted living community needs to offer the basic comforts of home, but must ultimately promote independence.
While there are more than a dozen reasons to choose Oceanview Manor Home for assisted living, here are the top 7.
We like to start out with what we find most important – the safety of our residents. All Oceanview Manor spaces have been specially designed to provide comfortable and secure environments for our residents. In addition to the secure main entrances, all rooms come with an Emergency Call System and Intercom Telephone Services. Bathrooms are equipped with advanced safety features as well. This allows residents the option to easily make a call for help in the event of an emergency.
In addition, our care staff are available all throughout day and night to provide assistance with the resident’s regular routine or with any urgent needs.
Quality Meals
All residents of Oceanview Manor receive three daily nutritious meals and snacks. There are also various special diets available. Dietitian and nutrition counselling are also available.
Homey, Clean Environment
Oceanview Manor Home for Adults is located in a calm area in the heart of Coney Island. Within walking distance to the facility are the finest in entertainment, culture, dining, shopping and medical care. Plus, Coney Island’s boardwalk, beaches and Luna Park are just a few-minute walk away.
Numerous Life-Enriching Activities
One’s social calendar can be constantly full at Oceanview Manor if that is desired. From musical concerts to cooking classes and exercise groups, rest assured that our community offers much more than just Bingo.
Professional Health-Related Services
At Oceanview Manor, there is always a nurse on site – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This ensures optimal care for residents at all times. In addition, we offer doctors on-site, monthly wellness checkups, pharmaceutical services, and various therapy services, such as speech therapy.
When it comes to assisted living programs, many are cautious of the associated costs. At Oceanview Manor, prices are based on the resident’s own income and insurance status. That’s why we’re considered one of the best value assisted living programs in the area. Please refer to our team at Oceanview Manor for further information on the topic.
Renovated Facility
The management team of Oceanview Manor has recently invested millions of dollars in improving and updating the look and feel of the common areas and residential living spaces in the facility. By doing so, we’ve been able to offer a beachfront assisted living facility with a home-like ambience like no other.